Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Going: Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to me. Hence, allow me to explain what (little) data Going collects from you, its purpose & how securely it is kept.

Data requested & its purpose

  • Your location : This helps the app show you events and places around you. It also helps in giving you directions to an event/place. 
  • You will be asked to login with one of your following accounts: Amazon, Facebook or Google. This is used purely as a form of ID proof.  (IN A FUTURE VERSION)
  • You may have to register with Going. This is required only if you would like to use the Private events feature. The registration process will request you to choose a username/password/security keyword, and also your name and city.  (IN A FUTURE VERSION)
  • Following statistics are maintained for you (only for public events) : how many events you created, how many spam events you created and how many spam events you reported. This helps users of the app decide how credible a source is.
  • Details of events you create - its location, name, description, invitees (private events only), acknowledgements (private events only)..etc

Data once collected

  • Your location: This data is only stored locally (on your device) and exists only so long as the app is open. 
  • Login with Amazon/FB/Google : Your credentials are NEVER stored. They re sent to the respective provider (Amazon/FB/Google) to confirm that you are a valid user. Once an acknowledgment is received, your credentials are never read again. Ever.
  • Your Going registration, public events details & statistics: Your Going registration details and public event stats. are tucked away safely in a highly reliable and highly secure server space.Again, the events & statistics are not maintained against ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION - no phone number, no device id, no user id. It is practically anonymous to an external reader.
  • Your private event details : These details are NEVER stored and are only transferred to your invitees using a secure messaging service.
Also, your data will never be sold/shared to any third party! Never ever. It is not fair.

This policy is subject to change/correction at any time that I may feel the need to do so. ( Rest assured, it will be to let you know of any changes within the app data collection processes..)